Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm Here to Tell Ya

Ladies and Gentlemen:

If you love North Carolina and North Carolina Politics as much as I do; May I suggest some reading Materials.

Senator Sam Ervin: Last of the Founding Fathers

What it is...

Dr. Campbell-- One of my professors at ASU-- gives us an in depth look at one of the giants of North Carolina Politics. Senator Ervin, a North Carolina Lawyer, State Representative, Superior Court Judge, Supreme Court Justice, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives and United States Senator has about one of the most complete resumes of all time. In this book you learn about the life of Senator Ervin and the experiences that led him to be one of the fiercest opponents of Civil Rights, a righteous protector of Civil Liberties, and Chairmen of the Senate Watergate Committee that took down Richard Nixon.

Why I like it...

In an era when you must keep a watchful eye on every politician Sam Ervin was a man who regarded the positions he held as duties to his country and more importantly: to his state. This man loved North Carolina. Senator Ervin was not a man who spent his time climbing the political ladder--quite the opposite in fact--Of the positions he held, the only ones he ever wanted were 'Ol Country Lawyer and Supreme Court Justice.

This was a man who accepted temporary appointments to the U.S. House of Reps. and U.S. Senate because he felt it was his duty to serve his state when he was asked to. It was only after realizing how effective he could be in the Senate that he decided to run for reelection--and because of the prodding by the NC leadership back home.

The bottom line is that Senator Ervin was a great North Carolinian. Not only does this book provide a biography of Sam Ervin--but in the background of the story is a biography of North Carolina. A Great Read for All.

The Paradox of Tar Heel Politics: The Personalities, Elections, and Events That Shaped Modern North Carolina

What it is...

This book is direct biography of North Carolina from the 1896 Election to the present. It goes from Furnifold Simmons and William McKinely to Mike Easely and George Bush. This book--written by Rob Christensen of the Raleigh News and Observer--Goes election by election describing each cycle in detail and putting it into historical context to illuminate the motives and events that "shaped modern North Carolina."

Why I Like it...

...because its about North Carolina. This book explains how North Carolina progressed from one of the poorest states in the south to the new leader of the south--stealing the title from Virginia-- its a good read for anyone who loves North Carolina.

So if you feel like expanding your mind and learning how our state got so great pick up a copy of these books today...


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