Thursday, August 7, 2008

Race Update

On the Presidential Front:

The Cook Political Report has changed North Carolina's Rating from "Lean's Republican" to "Toss-up" after the polling gap between John McCain and the Obamassiah has fallen to within the margin of error.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

The Real Clear Politics Average (RCP) in North Carolina now has John McCain at 47.0% and Barack Obama at 43.3% a difference of +3.7.

On the Senate Front:

Also last week the Cook Political Report downgraded Republican Incumbent Elizabeth Dole's race against challenger State Sen. Kay Hagan from "Likely Republican" to "Leans Republican"

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Under the Dome recently reported a survey by Research 2000 for ultra-liberal DailyKos that showed incumbent Elizabeth Dole at 50% of likely voters while, her opponent Kay Hagan had 42% of likely voters, a difference of +8.0. This poll showed a slight drop in Elizabeth Dole's numbers compared to polls released in mid-July that showed Dole with a double digit lead.

The RCP Average has a little bit better news for Dole, 50.8% of likely voters are currently choosing Dole, while 41.0% choose her opponent Kay Hagan, a difference of +9.8 for Dole.

While I have no doubt that Elizabeth Dole will keep her seat and North Carolina will remain a "Red State" this just serves as a friendly reminder that all of us conservative types are going to have to do our part. Virginia may have decided to go crazy on us, but that doesn't mean that we have to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If these polls are showing this now things will continue to get better for Republicans. Obama is a bad candidate for North Carolina, the old southern Democrats are going to buy it and McCrory is a super strong candidate with an awesome record.
Republicans will keep the Senate seats, give a majority of electoral votes to McCain, and McCrory will win the Governorship walking away.